Business Membership Opportunities

To join, your organization must do business with any Federally Qualified Health Center or FQHC “look-alike” that supports the goals of IPHCA.

See Our Brochure

The Benefits of Membership

+ Connection to a thriving network of potential customers at national, statewide and local health-focused organizations.

+ Discounted trainings and education sessions keep your team up to date on the latest health care trends, guidance, rules and recommendations.

+ Grow brand awareness and connect with an audience of thousands through branding on the IPHCA website and features in digital communications.

+ News, studies, surveys and reports through IPHCA’s periodic and issue-specific publications help your organization stay at the forefront.

+ Discounted exhibitor opportunities let you share your brand message and network with industry professionals at IPHCA conferences and events.

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For more information, please contact Katie Doolin, Associate Director of Training + Member Services