Current Opportunities
We notify IPHCA members of funding, scholarship, and training available to nonprofits and specifically to community health centers.
IPHCA Diabetes and Oral Health Integration Project
The Illinois Primary Health Care Association (IPHCA) was awarded funding from the DentaQuest Partnership for Oral Health Advancement (DentaQuest Partnership; DQP) to strengthen the capacity of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), design and test new models of care and evolve the safety net to best serve millions of uninsured and underserved Americans who rely on this system to meet their healthcare needs, including oral health.
The purpose of this proposal is to develop a model and advance Federally Qualified Health Centers’ knowledge around medical/dental integration specifically focusing on patients with diabetes. IPHCA will award up to 6 member FQHCs to participate in this project. The Request for Proposal represents the requirements to participate. Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. (Central) on July 24, 2020. Please submit all applications to Cristina McKay at
Diabetes and Oral Health Integration Project Details
Diabetes and Oral Health Integration Project Application
CDC Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
Extended to August 11. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will make 57 awards of up to $175,000 each to support collection of population-based data on maternal and child health indicators that can be used to inform programs, research, and systems changes that influence maternal and infant health. Eligible applicants include state, local, and tribal governments, community-based organizations, and institutions of higher education.
Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation and Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation Announce COVID-19 Oral Health Capacity Building Grants
Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation (ILCHF) and Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation (DDILF) announced a new grant program to invest up to $3,000,000 in total funding for community dental clinics to offset the additional costs associated with re-opening their children’s oral health programs and address the gaps associated with lost revenue as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Complete responses to this Request for Proposals must be submitted by July 31, 2020, with requests of up to $100,000 being considered. These grants allow recipients the flexibility to allocate funds as needed in their communities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Preference will be given to programs specifically connecting oral health care to primary care.
The HRSA Health Center Facility Loan Guarantee Program (LGP)
Many health centers face challenges obtaining affordable loans for their capital projects and/or experience delays in securing loans because of credit or collateral shortfalls. These factors can result in protracted development schedules and higher costs for capital projects. These delays result in reduced access to care for patients and sub-optimal working conditions for health center staff. The HRSA LGP can enhance the health center’s credit profile, reducing the lender’s risk and allowing them to lend to health centers under more favorable terms than would have been possible otherwise. HRSA is accepting applications for the LGP. Interested health centers should contact Visit HRSA’s Program Opportunities webpage for details.
AAPD Foundation Grants Available
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) Foundation is currently accepting applications for 2020-2021 Access to Care Grants. Selected applicants can receive one-year grants of up to $20,000, supporting community-based initiatives in the U.S. that provide dental care and ultimately serve as a Dental Home to underserved/limited access children. Learn more
Community Mental Health Services Block Grant
The MHBG program’s objective is to support community mental health services. SAMHSA’s Center for Mental Health Services’ (CMHS) Division of State and Community Systems Development (DSCSD) administers MHBG funds. Grantees can be flexible in the use of funds for both new and unique programs or to supplement their current activities.
The application deadline is open.