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A scientist and a farmer
walk into a barn...

And found they have a
lot in common

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For many Americans,

a farm’s a farm; seeds go in, food comes out. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, it’s the birthplace of all sorts of scientific innovation!

swirlinghaybail swirlinghaybail
green silo
greenhouse of flowers

From GMOs to pesticides,

breakthroughs were developed and advanced in fields across the country. It truly was a harvest of innovations. But not everyone was excited.

hay bail hay bail
mountain top
People from all around

pushed back against the new technology that would go on to feed the world. But farmers knew that it could be trusted and that it was healthy for all.

And even though they seem like a world away, scientists found themselves in a similar situation.
navy blue hill
a laden yellow truck
Doctor stands beside a cow, syringe in hand

For the past 20 years,

they’ve been working on the mRNA technology that would be used in something that dominated the headlines: the COVID-19 vaccine.

pharmacy hospital ground ground

And while many are hesitant

to trust the vaccine, it’s important to remember that this science is just like the science used every day in the field: it was created to help mankind live better, healthier lives. Simple as that.

So, if you or someone you know doesn’t trust the vaccine, just ask:

“Why should trusting science stop at your health?”


Let us help you

find a safe and effective vaccine so you can get back to enjoying all the great food our farmers make possible.

grain silos slope corn stalks
windmill blades wind mill

Want to learn more?

Below, you’ll find even more resources on COVID-19 and the vaccine that you can share with friends and family to keep the conversation going.


Living with COVID -Testing

Living with COVID - Vaccine

Living with COVID - Treatment

Thank you to our partners at IPHA!

The Illinois Public Health Association is one of the largest affiliates of the American Public Health Association and is widely recognized as a leader in the fields of public health advocacy and health education. We wouldn’t have been able to spread this message without them!

Learn about IPHA